Welcome to Rate My Therapist

This site is meant to allow clients to rate their experiences with their therapist. It is also possible to search for therapists with specific ratings for specific skills. Searches can be done; you can search by name, areas of expertise and location. At this point, this is a relatively new site. We are in beta form. Please feel free to provide ratings. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

A person writing in a notebook on top of a table.
A man sitting on top of a couch holding an ipad.

What is the Purpose of this site?

The purpose of this site is to allow users of psychotherapeutic services to rate their experiences with specific therapists and counselors. Most businesses and professions have some mechanism to do this. The psychotherapy business does not have a widely used mechanism for this that is neutral, anonymous, and attempts to provide inter-rater consistency. The purpose of Rate My Therapist is to facilitate ratings by users of psychotherapeutic services. Ideally, others interested in the same services and providers can use the ratings to help select the best therapist. It is not intended to be the only selection tool. Those looking for a therapist should also consult with their primary medical professional, their insurance provider and perhaps others as well as others to make a final decision.

Approach & Values

There is an inherent risk of allowing people to provide unverified, invalidated and personal narrative based evaluations for professional support persons, be they doctors, lawyers and therapists. Our goal is to provide a standardized, consistent way to report on and review therapists. We believe this approach might be an ideal way for prospective clients to find useful information about therapists they may want to work with. Rate My Therapist provides user generated feedback on therapists based on accessibility, helpfulness, empathy, skillfulness, and overall client experience. Clients remain completely anonymous, and Rate My Therapist does not keep or track any user information other than the ratings provided.

A woman sitting on the couch talking to another person.


Rate My Therapist was established in 2020.

The intent of Rate My Therapist is to help clients and potential clients locate therapist that have high ratings provided by others who have used their service. It is not meant to endorse or disapprove of any therapist or the work they are doing. One should always consult with therapist, primary care physicians and others to help make the decision to pursue therapy with a specific therapist or counselor.

The questions and areas of inquiry are meant to be specific and useful enough to help somebody understand another person’s experience with that counselor. We do not allow a comment section in an attempt to provide some inter-rater reliability and avoid unhelpful personal and off-topic comments. Therapy is a highly personal experience. One person’s experience and rating don’t necessarily indicate the accuracy of another person’s experience or future experience. Nor does it imply the skill, education, or ethics of any particular therapist. It is merely a personal opinion expressed by clients for informational purposes only.

Only previous clients of a therapist may rate that therapist on Rate My Therapist. We shall attempt a validation process to ensure that clients providing ratings for therapist have in fact had a past professional, therapeutic relationship with the therapist.

Ratings are immediately added to the existing database of past ratings and become part of the averages for the rated therapist.

The intent of the site is to provide honest feedback from clients to help others make decisions about a therapist.

We have tried to make this site as intuitive as possible. Users can search for a therapist by name and see how they were rated by other clients.

Users can rate a therapist by using the Rate My Therapist chatbot.

Ratings can be removed after having been identified as originating from a source other than the client of the therapist they are rating (spamming of ratings, also called “astroturfing” for instance). Remember, rate the therapist only once!

If you’ve had a bad experience with a therapist, rating a therapist in all the categories in an honest fashion will help others know more about strengths and weaknesses of that therapist. Giving negative ratings in all areas because of one bad experience in one category may feel good but does not help prospective clients understand the complete experience clients have with that therapist.

We hope that both potential clients and therapists find the information useful.

A woman sitting on the couch writing in her notebook

Rate My Therapist Guidelines

Rate My Therapist is owned and operated by Rate My Therapist. These site guidelines are a part of our Terms of Use Agreement. The site provides user-generated feedback on therapists based on accessibility, helpfulness, empathy, skillfulness, and overall client experience. The questions and areas of inquiry are meant to be specific and useful enough to help somebody understand another person’s experience with that therapist. We do not allow a comment section in an attempt at inter-rater reliability and to avoid unhelpful personal and off-topic comments. Ratings should only be posted by clients of those therapists. We provide a feature to validate that reviews are from clients who have worked with the therapist they review.

Rate My Therapist Guidelines and Terms of Use:

  • Be honest and objective in your assessment of the therapist and therapy experience.
  • Refer to the rating categories (accessibility, helpfulness, empathy, skillfulness and overall client experience) to help you better elaborate your comments.
  • Limit your ratings to the therapist’s professional abilities.
  • Do not rate a single therapist more than once.
  • Do not post a rating if you have not been a client of this therapist.
  • The Site reserves the right to remove any ratings deemed as inappropriate, or which may or may not appear to impersonate anyone else or that otherwise violate the Site Guidelines and Terms of Use Agreement.

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A man is smiling while looking at his phone.
A woman sitting in front of a group of people.

Terms of Use Agreement

By using Rate My Therapist uses agree to:

  • Be honest and objective in assessments of the therapist and therapy experience.
  • Consider the categories of accessibility, helpfulness, empathy, skillfulness, and overall client experience to determine ratings.
  • Limit ratings to the therapist’s professional abilities.
  • Do not rate a therapist more than once.
  • Do not post a rating if you have not been a client of this therapist.
  • The Site reserves the right to remove any ratings deemed as inappropriate, or which may or may not appear to impersonate anyone else or that otherwise violate the Site Guidelines and Terms of Use Agreement.

Therapist FAQs

We remove ratings if one of our automated spam filters thinks there were multiple ratings coming from the same source. When we detect this, we will try to remove the duplicate ratings.

We generally do not remove ratings. This site is for people to report on their experiences.

But one of these ratings is false and it's hurting my business. I want to send you a letter demanding that it be removed.” - We do not accept demand letters because it is not our role to determine whether a review is true or false. You might dispute the truth of a review, but just because you're disputing it does not necessarily make it false.

“If you won't accept a demand letter, I have no choice but to sue you.” - The Communications Decency Act (the “CDA”) protects the provider from liability for the statements of others on this website: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” 47 U.S.C. § 230. Federal courts have applied this standard to its terms: “By its plain language, Section 230 creates a federal immunity to any cause of action that would make service providers liable for information originating with a third-party user of the service.” Reran v. AOL, 129 F.3d 327, 330 (4th Cir. 1997).

The ratings on this site are provided by our users, not by us. Thus, under the CDA, we are not the “publisher or speaker” of the ratings, even if they contain false information, and we are not liable for defamation, libel, fraud or any other tort claim based on such activity.

“I think my demand letter would put you on notice that the review is false and defamatory. That makes you liable.” -
Zeran,129 F.3d at 227, and the cases following it uniformly hold that it is not up to us to determine whether your demand letter is correct or the review is correct.

But you lost your CDA immunity by aggregating the user ratings into an average.” - The most instructive case on aggregate ratings is the California Court of Appeals decision in Gentry v. eBay, which held that such ratings do not transform a site into an information content provider. 99 Cal. App. 4th 816, 834 (Cal. App. 2002).

I'm going to sue you anyway. Taking down the review is cheaper than paying a lawyer.” - Twenty-eight states have passed strict anti- SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) Laws, authorizing expedited motions to dismiss and giving rise to counterclaims seeking attorneys' fees and liquidated damages.

I'm not in the United States, and I'm going to sue you in my own jurisdiction.” - The United States has enacted strict laws protecting US companies from lawsuits brought in foreign jurisdictions. Even if you win a judgment under your local laws, it will not be enforceable in the United States. See, SPEECH Act of 2010.

I'm planning to pose as a client and rate myself to increase my overall rating.” - We use automated algorithms and human moderators to detect and remove phony reviews. Also, posing as a client or hiring a firm to post ratings is a practice known as “astroturfing,” and is illegal. If you are caught, you could be liable for damages.

The Supreme Court of the United States has held that anonymity of speech is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution (see McIntyre v. Ohio, 514 U.S. at 337; Talley v. State of California, 362 U.S. 60), also see here.

United States courts have consistently recognized that the right to speak anonymously extends to speech on the Internet (see Doe v. 2theMart.com and Doe v. Cahill).

Rate My Therapist does not keep records of individuals providing the ratings.

Privacy Policy

Effective date: July 5, 2024

Psychtech, Inc., LLC ("us", "we", or "our") operates the www.ratemytherapist.com My Therapist website and the RateMyTherapist Chatbot applications (the "Service").

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data.

The Service does not collect or store any personal or identifying data of the users.

We use your ratings to provide aggregate information to others about therapists. By using the www.ratemytherapist.com My Therapist, you agree to the Guidelines and Terms of Use Agreement.